Bill Gilbreath, Kim & Marty Galbraith, Shirley Greenwood, Anita Gilbreath, Dea Collins
Caye Speakman, Joyce Higginbotham
Bill Gilbreath, Clan Genealogist with Award
Steve and Kim Galbraith
Steve Galbraith, Margaret Dickinson
Steve with award for Stu Robinson , Association VP |
All of Us
Steve and Dea Collins
Bill Gilbreath, Kim & Marty Galbraith, Shirley Greenwood
Warren & Mary Brewer
Celtic Band
Jack Galbraith a' Piping
Steve Galbraith, Vicki Calevas |
John Galbreath, Steve Galbraith, Dea Collins & Shirley Greenwood
Barbara Ward, Gayle Galbraith, Bill Gilbreath, Joyce Higginbotham, Vicki Calevas with Awards (Steve Galbraith in Back)
Jack Galbraith
Gayle Galbraith & Steve
Joyce & Skip Higginbotham
(fastest Galbraiths on wheels) |