2024 Clan Galbraith Gathering

Glasgow, Scotland
May 12-16, 2024

Song Of The Clan-a-Bhreatannich

(The Clan Galbraith Anthem)
... lyrics by Rick Galbraith, Bruce Galbraith, & Angus Galbraith
... music by Rick Galbraith
... sung by Rick Galbraith

Caption 1: The Radison Blu Hotel, Glasgow

Caption 2: The Radison Blu Hotel, Glasgow

Caption 3: Meet & Greet - President Paul Galbraith

Caption 4: Meet & Greet - Attendees

Caption 5: Meet & Greet - Attendees

Caption 6: Here's our Bus Mascot for the trip to Culcreuch, Stirling, and Babbockburn. Hamish was our tour mascot at the Glascow Gathering. Legend has it that if you touched his head good fortune would smile on you for the remainder of the year.

Caption 7: Culcreuch - Here's the old Culcreuch Hotel sign. It was sitting out back of the Galbraith Hall.

Caption 8: Culcreuch - The group milling about in front of the castle.

Caption 9: Culcreuch - More of the attendees milling about.

Caption 10: Culcreuch - Getting organized for a group photo in front of tha castle.

Caption 11: Culcreuch - Getting organized for a group photo in front of tha castle.

Caption 12: Culcreuch - Paul Galbraith and Mike Astle organizing the group photo.

Caption 13: Culcreuch - Galbraith group photo #1.

Caption 14: Culcreuch - Galbraith group photo #2.

Caption 15: Culcreuch - Galbraith group photo #3.

Caption 16: Culcreuch - Galbraith group photo #4.

Caption 17: Culcreuch - The Galbraith Hall, adjacent to the castle.

Caption 18: Culcreuch - The castle, nestled amongst the greenery of the surroundings.

Caption 19: Culcreuch - Joan Willson on the far left. Rich Satter and Paul Munshower in conversation.

Caption 20: Stirling Castle - Seen from a distance on the tour bus.

Caption 21: Stirling Castle - The view from the castle mount was beautiful. The National Wallace Monument in the distance.

Caption 22: Stirling Castle - The castle, as viewed from the parking lot.

Caption 23: Stirling Castle - A bunch of us outside the gates of Sterling Castle wondering what became of President Paul Galbraith. He was inside getting the tickets!

Caption 24: Stirling Castle - The gardens in the Forework part of the castle.

Caption 25: Stirling Castle - Ann Marie Nicolich & Eileen Wood checking out the "French Spur", part of the outer defenses.

Caption 26: Stirling Castle - The Great Hall

Caption 27: Stirling Castle - The Great Hall

Caption 28: Stirling Castle - The anteroom to the Queen's bed chamber, with docent.

Caption 29: Stirling Castle - The King's Chamber

Caption 30: Bannockburn Batlefield - Memorial

Caption 31: Bannockburn Batlefield - Rich Satter and Robert the Bruce

Caption 32: Bannockburn Batlefield - Robert the Bruce

Caption 33: Business Mtg - The member ensemble with Secretary Paul Munshower & President Paul Galbraith.

Caption 34: Business Mtg - Treasurer Rich Satter & President Paul Galbraith.

Caption 35: Business Mtg - Treasurer Rich Satter & President Paul Galbraith.

Caption 36: Business Mtg - The membership audience.

Caption 37: Business Mtg - Pres-elect Paul Munshower receiving a thank you gift from President Paul Galbraith.

Caption 38: Business Mtg - President Paul & past-President Carol Galbreath Keifer.

Caption 39: Loch Lomond - The Clan marches to the tour boats at Loch Lomond!

Caption 40: Loch Lomond - We had two tour boats. This was the smaller one.

Caption 41: Loch Lomond - The small tour boat at dock.

Caption 42: Loch Lomond - Paul Galbraith & Taffy Satter.

Caption 43: Loch Lomond - Interior, small tour boat.

Caption 44: Loch Lomond - Our Clanfolk in the interior of the large tour boat.

Caption 45: Loch Lomond - Joan & Bob Thompson.

Caption 46: Loch Lomond - Linda & Mike Astle.

Caption 47: Loch Lomond - Enjoying the fresh air on the top deck of the smaller tour boat.

Caption 48: Loch Lomond - Marilyn & Linda Astle

Caption 49: Loch Lomond - The big tour boat approaching Inch Galbraith.

Caption 50: Loch Lomond - Inch Galbraith

Caption 51: Loch Lomond - Clansfolk enjoying the rear open deck of the larger tour boat.

Caption 52: Loch Lomond - Larry, Sarah, & LJ Galbraith enjoy the breeze. Marlou Everson to the right.

Caption 53: Pub Nite

Caption 54: Clan History Talk - with Martin MacGregor

Caption 55: Clan History Talk - with Martin MacGregor

Caption 56: Clan History Talk - with Martin MacGregor

Caption 57: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Setting up for the photo shoot.

Caption 58: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Setting up for the photo shoot.

Caption 59: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - President Paul Galbraith greets everyone.

Caption 60: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - tables.

Caption 61: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Elizabeth Ryser demonstrates Highland Dance.

Caption 62: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Piping in the Haggis.

Caption 63: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Larry Galbraith presents the salute to the Haggis.

Caption 64: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - The view of Loch Lomond from the banquet hall.

Caption 65: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - tables.

Caption 66: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - The kids listen to stories by Allison Galbraith.

Caption 67: Banquet at Loch Lomond Resort - Allison Galbraith, storyteller.