Hush Ye, My Bairnie

Hush ye, my bairnie
Bonny wee laddie
When you're a man
you shall follow your daddie.
Lift me a coo,
And a goat and a wether,
Bringing them hame
To your minnie thegither.

Hush ye, my bairnie
Bonny wee lammie
Routh o' guid things
Ye shall bring to your mammie
Hare frae the meadow
deer frae the mountain
Grouse frae the moorlan'
And trout frae the fountain.

Hush ye, my bairnie
Bonny wee dearie
Sleep! come and close the een
heavy and wearie
Closed are the wearie een
rest ye are takin'
Sound be yer sleepin'
And bright be yer wakin'

Hush ye, my bairnie
Bonny wee laddie
When you're a man
you shall follow your daddie.
Lift me a coo,
And a goat and a wether,
Bringing them hame
To your minnie thegither.

Sequenced by Lesley Nelson
Background by Bob Pert