Clan Galbraith Gathering June 2006 Salt Lake City, Utah
We met at The Best Western Inn in Salt Lake City on Monday, June 5, registered, and received our gathering packets at the Welcome Reception in the Best Western Lounge. The links below lead to some photos of some of our activities while at Salt Lake City. We also had educational meetings and got some essential clan business done, but the fellowship we had together made the gathering worthwhile. Yours truly had a bad cold and severe back pain problem during the gathering, so failed to get enough photos to cover all of the activities. Thanks to several who contributed enough photos to complete this web page. The Highland Games were a real high point of the Gathering and We, The Clan Galbraith, were the lead Clan in the Parade of Clans and our Piper, Jack Galbraith, led the entire parade!
Many thanks to Steve Galbraith, Assn. President, Joyce Higginbotham, Assn. Secretary, and Vicki Calevas, for setting the stage for the Gathering activities. I met Steve Face-to-face for the first time in passing thru Denver on the way to the gathering. We knew he was a pretty good-sized fellow, but what a surprise when we met! I am six-two, 230 lb or so and felt like Tiny Tim when we shook hands. He is one Clansman that could swing Robert the Bruce's 13lb Claymore with ease! To see more photos, Click the four links, below. Dinner at Olio's Italian Restaurant Scottish Festival and Highland Games Revised: September 1, 2007 |